FB harvest since mid September

in line of the spotlight-harvests from my FB profile i did mid Sept and mid July, here is the last one for 2010 :) for privacy-reasons i only pull out my words. there are most delicious things in the comments by amazing people for sure though, so if you are “friend with me” you are more than welcome to check some out. my things at Twitter might also be worth scrolling down in a good moment… some are coherent with FB posts, some not. would drive me nuts to harvest it in here, so i’ll leave it at @benjaminaaron ;)




the kinetic manipulator :) [picture in FB post]

an idea i got talking with my mom about slow tact/motion…
a thin, almost invisible but strong machine arm that grabs an object in the flight and continues to guide it along the exact same trajectory/rotation that it would be on naturally, but with less flying speed >> effect: slow-motion effect from slowing down movies for real, in front of your face, physically!!
needed; cameras identifying and tracking motion, algorithms to calculate and extrapolate trajectory and rotation of object and then translation into precise mechanic action.
imagine 10 robot arms (or strings?) slowing down the process of dishes falling off a table or something with the factor of 10, wuhaa…
any physicists, engineers, programmers, tech-geeks with me on this? :)

well, probably been done before… in movie recording? a scene where stuff happens mechanically supported slower while someone is walking for instance – and then the movie fast forward later in editing makes it look like he would walk much faster than how the other things look “normal” around him…


what if the pharma-industry and every kind of clean-up/healing/change-business include into their purpose something like: “to make ourselves dispensable and do good on the way there“, inspired by Nina Paludan-Müller | Awakening the Dreamer …and how would an economy look like that would support businesses to get themselves out of business?

‎#yellowpeace #beyondconsensus #beyondgreenmeme #upscalingbalance #closingdowninhonortosupportlife


greenpeace >> yellowpeace | #spiraldynamics


my pre-sense around BODY MIND SPIRIT is that mind will fade away as its own construction and merge into body (embodiment) and spirit (languaging what comes through channel)… intellect/knowledge/memories as ressources along the way of calling spirit into the one-body and the many-body



can you hold me as an unfolding field? or are you crunching me in you as point(s)? i serve you better in you as field…

besides metaphorical cross-weaving of all expressions – <things> are symbols that unfold meaning as you relate to them… <animals/plants> are living symbols and mirror us back what we know from the inside… <human beings> are fields and potential that we can hold and connect to… crunching human beings into points and single symbols and past or even only what is there now, seems limited and last-century-ish to me… there is always more and you can be in service of its unfolding by acknowledging that part, which is not yet ready to be “part-ed”…



in line of reflective thoughts on FB innovations (like this one recently: http://goo.gl/rmrUb) here are two things i noticed recently:[1] suggestions for people on lists[2] impressions and feedback-rate for admins on pages

‎[1 expanded] …when you click on a list of yours in “Edit friends” you see “Suggested for this list” on the right side -> in my case it was very precise in the suggestions. that means in the background an algorithm is running that compares lists of other people. so if i get suggestions who else to put on my “KaosPilot” list, then that information comes from comparing my list with other peoples lists (and there is probably a degree of trust-scores of trusting your friends lists more than list of not-friends). its nice for us and we go “cool, yeah, indeed she needs to be in the list, and he doesn’t…” AND what FB gets is more and more precise information about social circles! lists allow a social circle definition beyond the friend-circles. that together with information on “value-based” circles and behavior-matches gives delicious data about the worlds social landscape…

‎[2 expanded] …i am admin of the KaosPilot FB page and just noticed a little new gray text line above the comments saying at the moment:<1,575 Impressions · 0.76% feedback>where the ‘Impressions’ are defined as “Raw number of times this story has been on your Wall and in the News Feed of your fans” and the ‘feedback’ is defined as “Number of likes and comments per Impression”.Now, this is interesting! i’ve been waiting for that information to become accessible to us users – it’s a quite obvious measurement number. i am curious, VERY curious if that will be released for peoples posts too!! it would increase the notion of people “marketing” themselves, which i can see both good and bad in it… so maybe it can be a function that has to be turned on and is not automatically there? and as over-next step in transparency that’d be publicly visible not just admin or yourself… wouldn’t that be fancy…

META note on #consciousFB:as i wrote earlier here and on my Blog i like to see the massive innovation that is happening in online communication ALSO as an invitation to look on innovation in our face2face communication. i feel that part is rather stagnating and online communication has become the playground… so what comes natural to my curiosity and exploration is to look at every new cool thing online in terms of its implications on my social brain and what social functionality that is “mapping” if there wouldn’t be internet… also i think WE come first, our connections and friendships and so on – and then comes to tools and plattforms we use (like FB & Tw). so if FB shows me some day (exaggerated scenario) a message saying “Hugo unfriended you – this is probably because you haven’t interacted with him lately. say hi to Fritz and Peter now for this not to happen with them.” -> i will immediately write a message to Hug, Fritz and Peter showing this to them and i want us all to do have that notion of behavior engrained!! WE, our naked hearts come first and secondly comes what social algorithms are telling us about our friends, relationships and assumptions…

[…] as mind merges with spirit and keeps earth through body… human beings like water-crystals, being conduits for information to travel through fields in no time across the globe…


i am doubting that “arguing for an opinion” is a type of intelligence that will be meaningful for much longer…

when i sense into “opinion” i get the image of something that froze too early or that got stuck on the way… a contraction to one point of the field. which IS sometimes amazing to leverage momentum for sure and to deepen into! so, what if opinions as a psycho-social construct loose their heat?… what’s guiding me/us then… maybe something that lets me ask this question… values? world-views? purpose? ooh… sometimes i feel these are all helpful constructions to help the mind reach a certain territory… so what is happening as more and more of us are building their homebase their and not just come visit as a neat esoteric/spiritual tourist-attraction…

but wait, am i just f***ing ignorant and lost in romantic images of collective awakening?? what about some hardcore problem-solving? politics?… maybe, well, that’s my opinion at least ;)

the next level of Yogi Tea quotes?

the intelligence in inviting/hosting/inspiring the creation of shared imagination i find hot :)


If you read what you wrote last year and are not embarrassed by it, you are not making progress.” by @cheeky_geeky via @VenessaMiemis


build systems with simple and elegant architecture that are set up to evolve beyond the scope of the creator. evolutionary software/systems/networks/groups needs to transcend the creators consciousness. it is NOT collective intelligence if I/YOU can think it.

WikiLeaks > InnerLeaks, OpenSource > InnerSource > OurSource > OurInnerSource …


over-inspired. hopelessly. breathing. step by step. discipline and structuring time is beautiful. earth. ground. body. need to expand. need to build capacity. need to be more calm and focused in the center. excitement. frustration. feel it growing. more. less. painful. beautiful.


offline day! sweat lodge! see you…


it’s time to post this [http://youtu.be/kKnY8tBLG3g] again! thanks Stephanie Böhm for reminding me :) now… imagine 50 Bodhisattvas in differnent Buses/Tubes/spaces in a city… at the same time… could a whole city be infected with laughter? an unstoppable wave that continues a whole day… and beyond city and day… maybe :)


idea: promoting the functionality and potential of a HUMAN BEING in a video that is as brilliant, professional and amazingly appetizing as apple can do it [http://apple.com/macbookair]. with special focus on the “airport” and the potential of human beings connecting in groups and networks in a way that collective intelligence gets liberated…


beautiful & powerful call… this is touching me [http://youtu.be/SFdpuxUvF3A]

it is triggering an emotional wave… now leaning into and supporting the emergence of a collective cognitive wave (if that is possible?) that leverages intelligence and skills to “problem-solve” and builds new operating system… fueled by this collective emotional wave… already happening… amplifying… deepening… broadening… the tigers claws may learn where to attack and let things bleed and where to hold, to be sensitive and to build new homes for body, mind and spirit. #lovingclaws


InnerLeaks… #inquiry

twitter musings… @benjaminaaron
organic metaphor for wikileaks: massive ejaculation without condom > heat-energy and seeds
extrapolating wikileaks trajectory. branch1: acceleration through diversification & neutral conduit > OpenLeaks, awesome!
pre-sensing field. branch2; can pot be leaked out at some point? new container if any, or OpenField? no walls left? new edges?
branch3; listening to personal invitation (draw line back into body), looking at mine/your InnerLeaks? > radical p2p transparency/openness!
what if wikileaks is ALSO an invitation to scan YOUR needs for privacy & fears of SocialLeaks? and WHY that is > transcending/re-patterning?
@carolinewoolard speaks it from my heart in #futureofmoney http://vimeo.com/16025167 [02:57 to 03:24] “integrity to the way i live…”


is wondering; how would online-interaction-architecture need to look like for us to be able to “like” and “comment” also the non-post… the silence… or to not-like and not-comment on the non-post but BE present… letting the holes speak what they have to not-say… everything is so activity, words and media-snippets focused here, isn’t it?

smiling at you without words… eije, even to tell you that i need to type actively into my keyboard and press Comment :p

ok, next time i just do it… and don’t tell you that i did


I’m going All Out because i feel a strong call to lean into the emergence of attitudes, practices and capacities to utilize both our differences and synergies as ressources to throw ourselves forward together in alignment with the highest potential of our evolutionary trajectory. You are part of my extended body, the more different you are from me the more we are together in the horizontal… the more synergies we have the deeper we can sink into our vertical together… our heart-connection and our anchor in the emerging future are our stable ground… onwards into possibilities – for a lifetime of magic as we reach far and deep into the horizontal (x-axe) and vertical (y-axe) and let that inform our movements here and now (z-axe)…with love, unconditional, Benjamin


inspired from and through being in space with Philippa Young: [1] “I would like to see an appreciation of inconvenience.” [2] innovate… sounds a bit like “inner-wait” [3] activating the rim of your network & targeting beyond your social circles

[1 expanded] http://wp.me/pMX0N-5M
[2 expanded] what qualities come up (only?) in slow tact deep (inconvenient?) space… and then onwards into the “inno-wild”-erness :)
[3 expanded] what would make you share things with contacts beyond your usual-sharing-mates? assignment: design a narrative that incorporates a dynamic of it ‘wanting to travel beyond (your) social circles’


assignment: protect your emergence with all gates wide open


mac users; hold “alt” pressed while you continue typing


sorrowful about the fact that his fingers have spent around 300times more time on the keyboard this year than on a woman’s body :( i know that touch is happening on many levels. i am deeply grateful for all the intimacy in sharing/caring and amazing explorations in noosphere i have in my life!! AND i feel my body is calling for physical touch as well. in open inquiry why it is hardly happening…


invitation to be conscious about experiencing social algorithms: [1] new FB friend finder. i talked about this a year ago… [2] rolling out new profile! yes exciting – AND be aware what it does to you.

[1 expanded] …”shared mutuals” of a bunch of friends (option down left when follow link) and other search criteria. they chose to flood you with faces though to (over?)stimulate your social brain [works because of “personalized stories” http://wp.me/pyPX5-b9]. its not clearly visible who is fulfiling which search criterias.

‎[2 expanded] …this is not just about a new design, its about a new social experience and it is programed to make you feel more connected, open and willing to share. you will add more details to your profile and tag people… all good AND all gold-information for FB :) most certainly also juicy data how ‘activating the new profile’ spreads through the networks…

i strongly invite all of us to be more conscious in our experience of facebook/google/twitter/… of course we use them and they are useful and world-opening and all that, thats all wonderful.
facebook is for many just a dump of quick comments or likes to get a quick social fix, that’s fine. but isn’t it interesting to think very carefully why and how it works and what information FB is gathering about relationships and values and behaviour and how information and impulses are travelling in social systems? this is leading edge technology innovating the way we communicate… and we sit on the other end and just eat whats on the plate? yes, no other choice maybe… (?) but we can at least be mindful about the taste and learn how its cooked – because at some day in the near future the fast-food where we only have to ‘choose, share and like’ might not be constantly supplied with ressources anymore (=electricity for the internet servers, run by cheap fossil energy) and we will have to cook again ourselves… and THEN its interesting to remember what the feeling of ‘open and connected’ was and what made it possible… because we might need it in our neighborhood. eventually we want to harvest the social innovation online back into our inlife “social processors” [http://wp.me/pyPX5-aD]…
all good, just inviting to more consciousness here. its not the fun-theory, its the conscious-learning-theory :)


giving up vs. activating hunter energy


amazed by what http://www.wolframalpha.com/ can do… keep exploring it, its magic :) i’d love to understand how these databases are organized and how the algorithms work…


assignment: invent new form of expression. something between speaking and drawing? something btwn singing and writing? btwn dancing and photographing? btwn video and mimics… a part of the body, a sense that hasn’t been used so far? music requires unfolding over time to make sense – a drawing you can get in a second and it is in you… a dance you feel in your whole body, both doing it and seeing it… so, what other dimensions are there to express in? what is music that you “can get” in a second and then it continues in you? what is a drawing that unfolds over time… hah, that is an animation-movie, gotcha :D what is a photo that you can smell and that it photographs itself and becomes something between a melody and a touch?? i don’t know… maybe you know? :) little help: watch out for those situations where you can’t explain/express what you have inside… this are great invitations to expand possibilities of expression :)


this is not facebook


what if the development of computer processors gets outdated by the liberation of organic inlife social processors? ain’t that a challenge for “social innovation”. and here just incoming from @jascharohr: “new Mac Pro has 12 cores of processing power… the earth has 6,8billion core consciousness-processors…” #socialprocessors


criteria-prototyping for Qs to check if people (mostly men) are not developing their mind-babies [world-views/clever-models/project-ideas] further and shifted to only promoting it:  ‎1) is the explorative aspect in it aligned with your personal inquiries? 2) are you still deepening into it yourself? 3) is it set up in a way it can live without you? 4) are you ready for it to transcend you? 5) are you interested in being in service of the highest potential of THIS idea or are you interested in the potential of YOUR idea? really?


‎”Anything that involves content or specific expertise in an area – games, music, movies, TV, news, anything in media […]. Over the next five years, those verticals are going to be completely re-thought.”-Zuckerberg [http://goo.gl/Hqoqy].  ‎(and as i understand, re-thinking means for him making it social(ly accesible). users can interact with the content)
i love that he calls them verticals!! there are (at least) two ‘verticals’ though that i want to see being re-thought and re-felt social as well, and not necessarily exclusively on facebook… >> one is ‘social’ itself :) so bringing the reflections on how we are with each other on the table. >> the second one is personal transformation – as we grow together as extended body and care for each others development as for our own, we bring the “personal” into the social light…


can i use your click for a moment? do it: http://goo.gl/q3JLA you can consider it handmade spam that might be fun ;)


i am starting to take my self-irony very personal


my senses are wide open for your body to access them through spirit


how will we (intuitively) design both the conditions for – as well as the actual “meaningful conversations” in 10 years from now? …my wild vision would be that our needs for safety/inclusion/life-affirmation get anchored deeper in our hearts and become the stable platform from where we move into social encounters. in that way we can meet right in the depth of an inquiry, without worrying about things like a nice intro or everyone feeling heard and appreciated.


‎what game/exercise/structure/process would you like to try out with a group of committed explorers that increases the awareness in the social body of itself and opens possibilities to act more collectively intelligent? ‎… if it would be a group of people, where warmth, trust and feeling part of it is not a question anymore because that is the level where we start from – they would welcome your new ideas with open hearts; based on leading edge you are at in your life, your expertise, thoughts, dreams, wildest scenarios… in my eyes a powerful question beyond measure, yet to be sharpened more! emerged from conversation with mate Mark H.B. around ‘collective intelligence practice-exploration laboratories’ […] and what if we try out all the processes/games we know already out in the first days AND THEN invent/remix new stuff and follow our curiosity and sense of potential… what might show up then. in my experience, something very interesting is happening when we feel empowered and dare to ‘mold a group of people’ in our imagination… simulating and designing group process internally. holding them on your inner screen and sensing into the connections/energies and what sort of light or patterns you are intending them to unfold… letting the energies flow around in your inner group and then later let concrete settings/instructions emerge that would set the group on this trajectory. so there are different energies of groups being together – something about being present with each other and sense into common purpose, going deeper or healing. then there is alignment around a given theme or task, and some more?mmh, something tells me that there is a complete new way of “groups being together” yet to unfold… and probably is doing that already…


‎1500€ minus on my account, then got 2000€ today from german study-fund (awesome!), transfered 1300€ right to KP school, 200€ went away to balance credit card… back to ZERO, all within a few minutes :) you know that feeling? ejiee, money appears to me more and more as one of many energy flows… nothing less and certainly nothing more. the amounts are blurring out of my perception and the purpose of what this flow-injection sets free feels much more tangible. whatever form and quantity of flow-injection seems needed… in alignment of unfolding potential. and that being sad there is a deep appreciation in me to people who have more of this kind of energy available and have the strength and care to invest some of it into future potential of others. and that being sad there is a deep appreciation in me to people who have more of this kind of energy available and have the strength and care to invest some of it into future potential of others…


can innovations be ‘managed‘? really?? so, what sort of innovations are we talking about then… for some reason my feeling is that if i’d start a meeting with an innovation manager with 1min of silently looking at each other (as a ‘social innovation’ of changing communication patterns that allow to start with depth & connection), he might have a hard time managing that… ? well, maybe not… maybe i should manage to innovate other assumptions about innovation manager…


noticing pattern in my online-behavior: two main energies of CREATING [composing, ‘mature’ comments] or RESPONDING [presence, listening to flow]. with sub-parts and interdependence of each other of course – being aware of (& steering?) the main wave though seems healthy. does that resonate with your online-behavior? what is your practice/discipline/structure/’victimization’?


a new WHY is rising. as new WHEREs, WHATs and WHOs are emerging through global presences, multiple identities and heart-contact thats louder than cultural/religious differences and actually starts utilizing those. in this little W’s model here i come to realize that i am also holding the intention to co-facilitate capacity-building for a new WHEN… as we spent decades contemplating deep into presence and were able to do that sun-bathing on the water surface of an ocean of cheap fossile energy the coming reality of radical decreases in the availability of such is inviting me strongly to hold my WHEN with the perspective of where we are coming from and where we are going towards… compassion for future generations that is so loud that it actually influences my behavior right here right now just as strong as my mumbling stomach makes me seek for food…


uiii!! just got a letter that i wrote to myself 1 year ago – this is great, smiling big times… chewing on the same stuff but in other (advanced) forms… getting the feeling we get life-tasks that we keep circulating around in many ways… :)  | FutureMe.org


ain’t it true that you can (better) heal outside what’s broken inside? (parade-example: almost all psycho-therapists have/had serious ‘problems’ themselves)… does that match to core-teams working with larger fields too? is some tension and dysfunction maybe just the best to be in service of the whole??


with a world population of 6.9billion people we have 2.4 x 10^19 different possible 1&1 relationships (that is 6.9billion x 3.4billion) – now, given that; trusting that the right people will meet at the right time is one thing… another thing is to hear an enormous invitation to tap SO much more into this potential relational wealth and radically follow your impulses to connect and weave…


had an amazing and intense week with process consultation, AoH co-hosting with a wonderful team and an ocean full of deep and beautiful conversations with this gorgeous people at YIP in Sweden… feeling so blessed and full of inspiration, deeply grateful for local & global evolutionary family…


‎”The trouble with the rat race is that even if you win, you’re still a rat.” -Lily Tomlin, seen in Meg’s book ‘Perseverance’


‎”when we take the one seat on our meditation cushion we become our own monastery. we create the compassionate space that allows for the arising of all things […]” -Jack Kornfield


yahey, so that’s us then, eh? …what’s next? what are we lacking? critical awareness how massively the availability of cheap energy is making that whole global fun go round?? http://www.vimeo.com/16641689


‎”The Elementals have arrived. Earth is alive and gazing into your soul.” http://vimeo.com/16486068


‎”A seed hidden in the heart of an apple is an orchard invisible.” – Welsh Proverb, via Tim Merry


just created this… in love with fractals and beauty, dissipative structure and flow… a cosmic breath of complexifying and simplifying


‎”Art is not what you see, but what you make others see” -Edgar Degas




what did you got rejected for from the field? where is this part living now? it might just be that we have so much in common in what we are holding back from our shared field… who/what did the cut? is it worth questioning the authority of the ‘cutter’? on what assumptions is your holding-back based? what muscles have you grown from that? is your position been taken in the field and you hold back because you don’t want to merge/compare with the person holding that? in which circles are you holding what back and bring other sides in?- thanks for a great conversation Maj & Cat!


is in awe of FB’s new “see friendship” function :) cheers to innovating digital architecture! next step “see friendship-cluster” please! what does a certain cluster of people share – mutual friends, interests, word frequency analysis, information travel tracking…


rising into depth & diving into the sky


surrounded by and diving through an amazing social wealth of meaning, potential and value both online and onlife these days… an amazing wave :)


can you use the rubber to rub the whole pencil out?


when the space from where the symbols that we interprete come from, is coming closer to the source that is getting meaning from the interpretation


watched the film version of When Nietzsche Wept with my dad, really good!! “you help him the most by letting yourself help from him” / “you have to combust in your own flame” / “isolation only exists in isolation, when you share it it vaporizes” / “we love more the wishing than the wish itself” […]


being hear is all-ready enough


take it personal. so much that it is not about you anymore…


dear apple user, you may enjoy pressing apple+alt+ctrl+8… you especially might enjoy doing that to other people and then leave :)


how do i navigate my energy levels?


if you have one last google search – and from then on for 1 month, you can’t use the internet for other than clicking on the search results you got in that search… what would be your query?


‎”queepening” = the process of deepening into a question through questions instead of seeking answers


for german-speaking women; my friend Cambra Skadé wrote a beautiful book “Art, Magic, Healing – a poetic research documentation” based on her shamanic work with women for many years. she chose to publish it herself without the big distribution-companies, in trust of the wild direct networks… ‎


‎”if you want to paint, close your eyes and dance” -Picasso, via Manue


‎”There is not much point in arguments over the ineffable since its wordlessness has the last word…” ~ Karen Armstrong via Amy Lenzo


wow, besides the old trick of climax-music in the background this really moves me because it speaks from beyond green meme (spiral dynamics). i see it very much relating to my recent blogpost: http://bit.ly/awBnPb”knowing the perfection of where they stand” / “you give your undivided attention to whom they have asked for themselves to be” / “you have the ability to see who they really are and hold that picture so clearly in your own mind that when they are with you – they see it!” via delightful Juno Groves, love and blessings to you!


is breeding meaning


‎”the process is the chronological manifestation of/in a field” … “to really start participating/designing you need to become part of the field and in that moment it becomes a personal transformation journey”… Jascha Rohr from the IPG today at KaosPilots


after all, life is happening while you are trying to prepare yourself for life to happen

Published by

Benjamin Aaron Degenhart

Engineering fellow 2020 at Tech4Germany

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